The Connaught Open Street is Back!
Last year, Sustainable Calgary prototyped the Connaught Open Street where we transformed part of 10th Street into a public space. This innovative project was brainstormed by students at Connaught School who wanted to make walking and wheeling to school safer and more fun for everyone. The response last summer was overwhelming: kids, parents and local community members wanted the Open Street back in 2023. With the support of the Beltline Community Infrastructure Fund (BCIF), we’re excited to be reinstalling the Connaught Open Street for another round of prototyping.
For this second phase of the project, we’re focusing on engaging residents on what should be included in the space long term. Sustainable Calgary and a team of designers will then take the community feedback and develop concepts for what a more permanent installation could look like, which will go back to the community for additional feedback this winter.
Sustainable Calgary representatives will be on-site every Tuesday and Thursday all summer between 2-6pm with games and surveys. Be sure to swing by during your lunch break or your walk home to say hi!