Accepting Applications for a New Program: Dialogue for a Change

Surveys show that most Albertans want action on crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and inequality. But in a culture captured by systems that promote economic growth, polarization, and ecological destruction, it is hard to swim against the current – or even to find information and support for that journey.

At Sustainable Calgary, we see a need to support those who want to adopt ways of living that are aligned with Earth-centred values but feel isolated, unsupported, or lacking the resources to make the desired changes. Dialogue for a Change will feature four weekly in-person facilitated sessions (2 hrs per session) designed for those wishing to engage in change at a personal level.

The series will allow space for participants to:

  • express their grief and anxiety about our wounded world

  • confront the disempowerment associated with those feelings

  • share experiences related to lifestyle changes that will move us toward a more beautiful, just world

  • explore tools for change making

  • make the links to systems change

Sessions will be facilitated and will include presentations, activities, dialogue and sharing.

Session 1: Grounding Our Action: Reconnection with Ourselves, Each Other, and the Planet
Session 2: One Earth Living: The Housing – Transportation – Energy Nexus
Session 3: Living in the Blue Zone: The Health – Happiness – Relationship Nexus
Session 4: Sustainability and Resilience: The Democracy – Equality – Climate Change Nexus

Before each session, participants will be asked to review a short reading and/or video and engage in an activity that explores the week’s theme.


We are a community-based organization founded in 1996. Sustainable Calgary’s mission is to create the capacity for an urgent/rapid and radical transformation of how we live, work and play in a world of unprecedented systemic challenges, including the climate emergency, threats to biodiversity, social and economic injustice, and weakened democratic institutions.

Our vision is of Calgary as a place where each and every citizen, in all stages of life, experiences a sense of belonging and safety and derives a sense of joy in contributing to the community in whatever way they choose. All Calgarians enjoy a high quality of life and a sense of pride in our city, pursuing diverse lifestyles that are within the limits of the finite planet we call home while not impinging on the opportunity for other communities in the global village to achieve the same.

Sustainable Calgary is guided by six principles:

  • A sustainable community maintains a healthy environment including clean, air, water, soil and spaces.

  • In a sustainable community there is access to work that is meaningful and sufficient to meet basic needs and services and to provide the means to participate in community life.

  • A sustainable community maintains social benefits (health, education, recreation, and safety) and the opportunity to achieve a sense of meaning and purpose in life without discrimination.

  • A sustainable community fosters participation in governance and input into decision-making.

  • A sustainable community acts responsibly in its relations with other communities.

  • A sustainable Calgary acknowledges its part in the history of racism/white privilege, the oppression and dispossession of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the crimes of colonialism globally, and works to rectify these historical injustices as full partners in Treaty 7 and members of our global community of communities.

Live simply so that others may simply live.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Thursdays Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association,  1320 5th Ave NW

Thanks to a generous donation, this first offering of the program is free.

Space is limited, so we will select participants based on a 150-200 word answer to the question “Why is this program for me?” Please send your emailed answer by October 20, 2024, to

Celia Lee