Activity Report
Happy Thursday, and Happy New Year!
Sustainable Calgary is excited to be embarking on several new and re-newed projects in 2018. To catch up on our past participatory design work with Active Neighbourhoods Canada, check out these links on High River, Marlborough, Acadia and Bridgeland-Riverside. So far, three Alberta communities have either implemented proposed design projects, or have them slated for the coming year.
You can also peruse our report, “Building Active Communities Together“, which chronicles our work in the 4 Alberta communities, and with our partners in Montreal and Toronto.
In August, we received an Alberta Traffic Safety Fund grant, and collaborated with the Acadia Community Association, The City of Calgary, O2 Planning + Design, the Bench Project, Kaffeeklatsch, Pages Books and many more to prototype the outdoor “living room” and traffic-calming initiative that Acadia residents voted for.
Moving forward, we’re preoccupied with three questions:
How can we expand on our previous design work in neighbourhoods, to consider larger-scale networks of active transportation infrastructure?
What have we learned that we can share in the classroom?
What policy recommendations can we make municipally, provincially and nationally?
In September, we hired three students to begin exploring those questions. You can get a taste of their fantastic work here. We’ll be following up over the next months with fast facts, good reading and listening, and opinion pieces.
For now, have a wonderful week and weekend, and don’t forget to check us out at @activeneighbourhoodsyyc and @sustainableyyc!